Wednesday, February 21, 2018

MPFL Reconstruction Recovery


If you're reading this post you or someone close to you is either considering or undergoing MPFL reconstruction surgery. PSA: Don't freak out! I have actually created this blog to do the complete opposite. Before my surgeon recommended this surgery, I had never heard a single thing about it. So what did I do? I turned to the ole' faithful google. Not to my surprise, all I found were horror stories! The purpose of this blog, is to share my positive experience. Although I do like to consider myself smart, I AM NO DOCTOR! Everyone is different, and may have a totally different experience.

Okay, so let's start from the beginning! I'm going to jump around a little here- as my life story is just not THAT exciting.

1st dislocation When I was 15 years old I was in my closet, it wasn't considered a "walk-in closet" but it was big enough for me to rummage around in there. I was cleaning it out, because let's face it what 15 year old girl doesn't have a mountain of clothes and shoes in there? Anyway, I ended up tripping over something and lost my balance. I went one way and my knee went another. I can remember the noises and the feeling of my first dislocation like it was yesterday. I was screaming in pain, and quite honestly I thought I had broken something! What else could have cause bones to move around like that? I lived on the second floor and positively could not make it down the stairs. So we called an ambulance. By the time I got to the hospital my knee was back in place again because I had straightened it out. After x-rays and an examination, they didn't really tell me much. Basically, I had to go see a specialist. They gave me crutches, and a knee brace. I used the crutches for 3 days, and then I felt okay enough without them. I saw an orthopedic doctor a few weeks later and again they did not tell me much either after an MRI. I didn't have any torn ligaments, and everything looked okay in there by then. To cut a very long story short, I dislocated my knee and there was just not much they could do for me.

1st subluxation At this point I was still 15, it was just a few months after my first dislocation. This time I would have the pleasure of meeting subluxations! I was playing basketball with some friends, and while running my knee popped out and then went right back in. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for this, but I was still in a decent amount of pain. Once my Dad came to pick me up, he asked what I wanted to do, and I really saw no point in going back to the hospital as it was frankly a big waste of time and money. 

2nd subluxation and 2nd dislocation

From 17-20 I somehow managed to only go through one subluxation and one dislocation. I was extra careful, and could tell when my kneecap was just about to come out. The subluxation happened just from me twisting my knee the wrong way. The dislocation happened when I was walking with a group of friends. I can't exactly remember how it all went down, but my friends were goofing around and one of them hit into me which took my knee out. I fell to the ground in agony, as I watched my friends faces turn from smiles to horror. They saw my kneecap was out, which is not a pretty sight. I remembered from my first dislocation, that my knee went back into place once it was extended. It took several minutes for me to build up the courage and a lot of concentration for me to get my kneecap back into place. But, it worked! Although, this is not a skill I would wish anyone would need to acquire, it was such a relief. Again, I did not think going to the hospital was necessary. I got home, iced my knee, put a brace on and went on with life.

3rd dislocation This was my second to last dislocation before surgery. I was at a show, and was dancing, of course. The floor was incredibly slippery due to an abundance of spilled drinks. I took a grand fall, and my knee had dislocated once again. This one was far worse than any of the others. My husband was with me and at first laughed when I fell(thanks babe), but soon realized I was in a lot of pain. I tried to hold back my tears, but that was inevitable. He tried to stand me up, but I just couldn't. I remember thinking to myself "I will sit on this dance floor until the end of time before I stand up on my knee." A big, tall bouncer came to my rescue! Him and my husband made a chair out of their arms and I wrapped my arms around their necks. They brought me over to a wheelchair. I was still in tears, black makeup running all down my face. Oh, how lovely I must have looked! The staff at the venue asked me what I wanted to do. At first I said, "This has happened before, can you just wheel me outside and I'll call an Uber?" Then I started thinking. This pain was bad, no, it was awful. My knee of course was in the most pain, but I remember feeling a pain all way down my leg. It was from my hip down to my ankle. I never felt that before when this happened, so at the last minute I decided to go to the ER. Luckily, it was located right across the street from the venue so they just rolled me over. They checked me in, and I waited about 15 or so minutes. I came to my senses and realized how much money this would all cost so I decided to leave. It would be much cheaper to see my PCP in the morning who has an X-ray machine. At this point it was about an hour or so after I had taken the fall. My husband called an Uber, I was able to take little steps and into the car. When we pulled up to my house, the real obstacle came into play. "How am I going to get upstairs?". I never hated living on the second floor, until now. My Mom came outside to help me and my husband get up the stairs. With one of them on each side, I made it to the stairs. I just slid up them on my butt. I couldn't see another way around it. I slept on a recliner chair, because I hate sleeping on my back and my husband is a pretty violent(not actually) sleeper. I couldn't risk him bumping, or kicking my leg. I woke up the next morning, still in a lot of pain, and my knee was about three times the size of the other. But, I could walk on it. Thankfully my PCP does urgent care on the weekends. I called them first thing. They got me in pretty quickly which I was grateful for. I slid down the stairs on my butt again. Getting in the car was a struggle, but I managed. My PCP told me all that she could. She checked out my knee, and told me that I have hyper-mobility and that the most discomfort I was having was from stretched ligaments. Then sent me down for an X-ray. Nothing was broken, luckily. It turns out that it was a good thing this happened on the weekend. It is unlikely that you will get into see a specialist fast, but my doctors office is a huge practice that has everything you need all in one place. The orthopedics office is open on Saturdays for appointments, in agreement that they see emergency visits if needed. HALLELUJAH! I waited about a half hour, which I didn't mind. I then met Scott a PA, who would become my new favorite person! After 6 years of issues with my knee, and no answers he finally had some! He told me about dislocations/subluxations and why I was having them. He said the good news is, they try a lot of things before surgery. Unfortunately that would not be the case for me, but we'll get to that later. They put me in a brace, which felt like heaven. I could almost feel my eyes roll back in my head from the relief. I also got a pair of crutches. He referred me to a physical therapist, which I did for 6 weeks. Two times a week. I only needed the crutches for 4 days, and then I went back to work. Which I should mention now that I work on my feet all day. After I was done with PT, I felt great. But, my final dislocation before surgery happened not too soon after this.

3rd subluxation

Again, it had only been 6 weeks since my last dislocation. I was out dancing again. Music is a big part of my life, and it's pretty much all I do for fun these days with working a full time management job and going to college. I fell on the dance floor(I may or may not have had too much to drink, but hey who was counting right?). When I went to get back up, my kneecap subluxed again. But strangely this time it hurt so, so much more than the dislocations. I stood up and leaned against a wall, and texted my husband that I need him ASAP. The bouncers insisted that they called me an ambulance which I had to refuse several times. I was basically hysterical at this point, while my husband called an Uber. I really have absolutely no idea how I made it in the car, but I did. My husband was helping me of course, but with every step my knee buckled and it was excruciating pain. When I look back at these times now, I think of how my poor Uber drivers had to sit through my frantic crying and they STILL didn't give me a bad rating. Thanks guys! Anyway, we were over an hour away from home and got a hotel for the night. So our driver dropped us off there. I couldn't make it past the curb, so that's where I stayed for the next 10 minutes while my husband grabbed our belongings. There was no chance I could make it inside, because there was no elevator on our floor. I did think that could be a problem while checking in, but I went through with it anyway. I finally calmed down halfway home, and my knee wasn't hurting as bad as before because I had it straight and was sitting down. When I got home, I thought my husband could just grab the crutches and I could get inside. I thought wrong, very wrong. I took one step on my crutches, I didn't even put any weight on my leg and it hurt like hell. I knew there was something wrong. I got back in the car and went straight to the ER. They took X-rays, again nothing was broken. The ER doc recommended I talk to my PA about surgery. They put me in a knee immobilizer and gave me a week of painkillers, which I later would realize I needed more than ever. Luckily, my brother was away for the weekend so I was able to stay down in his house because there was no way I could have made it upstairs. I was able to fall asleep(only because of the alcohol honestly). When I woke up I had to go the bathroom. I tried to take a step, which was a mistake. Again it was buckling with every step which came with pain of course. I barely made it to the bathroom because of the immobilizer and our bathrooms are very small. I then immediately told my husband he needed to run to the pharmacy for those pain killers. They helped only enough for me to fall asleep for a bit but they weren't doing much. I would wake up every couple of hours crying because of the pain. This was the worst pain I had ever been through, ever.

I couldn't see my normal PA for two weeks which was just not an option for the amount of pain I was in. So I went to a different location that my doctors has, and saw another PA. It was Friday by now, which felt like an eternity. Almost a week since the injury. As soon as I described the pain I was having he ordered an MRI as he said it sounds like I had a torn ligament. It took a few days for everything to be approved, so I went back in on Wednesday. He called me back with results the next day. I had a torn ACL, bone fragment and lots of scar cartilage from the dislocations/subluxations. He then recommended I see a surgeon because this issue wasn't going to get better on it's own. I met my surgeon the following Monday. After examining both my knees he said lots of big scary things which was a lot to process. He told me I have patella malaligment syndrome. That with hyper-mobility was the cause of my dislocations. It sucks that I kind of have to worry about both knees, but it's sort of a relief to know there isn't anything I did or could have done to prevent them from happening.I had two options for surgery. MPFL reconstruction, or bone realignment surgery(TTO). I decided on MPFL because I figured, I might as well try that before I let them cut my bones! I asked if not having any surgery was an option, and he said no. Basically, if I did nothing my knee would just keep dislocating and most likely tear more ligaments, causing more damage. I then asked if I could put it off as it was a few weeks before Thanksgiving, and I work in a specialty food store where the holiday season is our busiest time of the year. He took me out of the immobilizer and put me in the same small patella stabilizing brace I was in after my last dislocation. Told me it may not get better, and in that case I should do the surgery sooner rather than later .I left the office crying, because I really was hoping surgery could have been avoided altogether. I was confused about my ACL, because he never mentioned it at my appointment. So I called to ask him. He wouldn't do the ACL and MPFL together, because the rehab isn't the same. He also said he didn't believe my problems were from the tear, but he would take a look once he was in there. Basically, I could live without an ACL, but not without the surgery. I waited about a week or so after my appointment with him, saw no improvement so I went ahead and scheduled. 

Thankfully, he had a cancellation and I got in less than two weeks from scheduling. I went to my normal orthopedic office for a pre- op appointment where a PA answered all my questions. What I was most concerned about was getting off the crutches, as I was already on them for four weeks and I was so done with them already. She told me it would be about a 4 month recovery period, and I would be on the crutches for at least 6 weeks(so far she has been spot on). I should also mention that they used an artificial ligament, not from my hamstring! 

*Pictured below is my pup Scrappy, who did not leave my side for the first week after this injury. He was offering emotional support, and as much medical advice as possible until I could see a real doctor!*

If you're still with me here, you're a trooper! From here on, these are entries that I made after surgery. I tried to write them as often as I could remember! 

Day of operation
Was not very nervous at all, was pretty excited for this all to be over with actually. Arrived at surgical center at 12:30, and was taken back at 1. Changed out of my clothes and was put in a bed, then a nurse put IV in. Talked with surgeon and I was next in line. Then talked with anesthesiologist. She gave me goofy medication before putting in my nerve block right before 2 pm. Which was definitely uncomfortable, but it was over quick. I waited until I was up next. I really wasn't feeling the goofy medication too much just time definitely went faster. They missed on my chart that my grandmother experience malignant hypothermia, which means I should have been the first surgery of the day(bummed that wasn't the case) so I had to wait until they drained all the machines. I guess that's the precaution they take for it, was only another 15 or so minutes. I moved from the gurney to the operating table, which was a bit tough because my leg was numb. They had me breathe in the gas and I was out like a light. I woke up, definitely feeling pretty good. First thing I remember was asking for a drink because I was dying. And that the girl across from me was being super loud & she was pretty messed up. I got to eat some animal crackers and asked for my husband. I remember being told lots of information. Thankfully my husband and mom were there to retain it all, because there are definitely some things I do not remember. They said my throat would hurt from the tube, but it didn't at all. I changed into my clothes, got in a wheelchair and got in the car at 4:30. I was on my way home! I couldn't wait to eat so my husband picked up some subs from up the street and I was in heaven. They told me to take pain meds at midnight because the nerve block would wear off, but I didn't end up sleeping until 4 because I drank a coffee around 8 pm(I had a headache from not being able to have it before surgery). I still was feeling no pain at all before I went to bed definitely from the nerve block and the meds. 

Day 2
 I had alarms set for 8 am to take my pain meds(everywhere I read online told me to set a schedule). At the same time, the surgical center called to ask me questions. I was still feeling little to no pain, but I still took the meds anyway. I stayed up another 2 or so hours then fell back asleep. I woke up at noon to take my meds again. By the way I was put on Vicodin, I had no luck with Percocet with my last subluxation and the ACL tear. They are most definitely helping me so much more! It's 2 pm now, I'm propped up in bed with my leg elevated and icing 20 mins on and 20 mins off. My husband is home again today to help me with whatever I need. What I bought for my surgery- loose baggy sweatpants, slippers, raised toilet seat and a bed tray table. I already had a shower seat from when my grandmother lived downstairs. I had already been using it since my most recent injury. Pain in one spot began in the side of my leg around 3 pm. An annoying pain like someone is sticking something right in that spot. Stomach is definitely a little upset from the meds and they are making me feel a head high for sure as well. 5 pm now, going to lay down now and hopefully take a nap! Woke up at 8:30, starving. Haven't had much of an appetite all day, so that's good. Woke up with minimal pain, once I eat I will take more meds and hopefully keep the pain away

Day 3
*WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGE BELOW*Woke up this morning about 4:45 I definitely had some pain but I stupidly tried to only take 1 instead of my 2 meds. Went back to sleep at 5:30. Was woken up at 9:30 to take more meds and had minimal pain. Took the dressing off the incisions today and covered them with bandaids. Surprisingly, my knee looks the least swollen since injury 5 weeks ago now. Pain meds have me feeling very groggy and get me dozing off. They are definitely keeping the pain minimal. I don't have much of an appetite, though. Only really have eaten 3 times in the past 3 days. 

*This picture was 3 days post op*

Day 4
I honestly would probably never wake up off these stupid pills if my husband wasn't around. I could sleep for days on them. I'm only needing 1 every 4 hours, before I was taking 2. Only real complaint I have right now is how itchy my whole leg is. I just want to rip everything off and scratch everywhere!! I didn't include this in the days above, but I have been able to bear weight on my leg since day 2. I haven't tried full weight though, maybe about 50% weight bearing on the leg but it doesn't bring any pain really to do it. So I will try more each day. 

Day 5
 My husband woke me up around 7:30 to take my meds before he left for work. I took some around 1:30 am and I was in a bit of pain so I took 2. It's now 1 pm and I have no pain! I am actually excited to say I finally went the bathroom last night. If no one has told you this about surgery, and opiates. It happens. I didn't take anything because I know it usually works it self out. But now that I am going I will continue to take the pain meds with a stool softener to make sure I don't get backed up again. Today, I'm going to take a shower! I've been dreading it, bc I know how much of struggle and pain it caused before the surgery so I'm nervous now. My plan is to wet my leg quickly and cover it up with waterproof bandages my mom found at CVS, then shower how I would regularly. So I showered.. but I was scared to get the steri strips wet. I feel awesome though. Only new change is I'm getting some really intense muscle spasms in my thigh. Not super painful though

Day 21
 I know I skipped a ton of days but I'm back! I stopped taking pain meds after 9 days I believe. Didn't even need Tylenol after that, no pain. I went last week for my post op visit, got my stitches out and started PT. Doc says everything looks great and I needed another 3 weeks off of work. Have been out a total of 7 weeks so far. They screwed up some things so I'm a week behind where I should be which is frustrating. Oh well. I went into a smaller brace that I was in before surgery, and let me tell you it sucks. I was in a knee immobilizer for 2 weeks. I am in more pain now than I have been since before the surgery. Still no swelling thankfully. My knee is very weak and gives out when I take steps with my crutches. The more I step, the stronger it will get. The pain is only in the medial area, so I guess that's from the new ligament. My quads are still not doing anything, but again. The more I do my exercises the more they will start working again. I knew the discomfort would come sooner or later(I did have surgery after all) but I was still optimistic that maybe it wouldn't come at all! It's not unbearable pain, just enough to bother me. Still nothing compared to how I was feeling before my surgery. I haven't had exact measurements of my ROM, but my orthopedic doc says almost 90 degrees. 

Week 4
I am making huge progress! My ROM is past 90 degrees. I can do 3 sets of straight leg raises. They hurt like hell, and don't look pretty but I push through them! I'm walking normally, still with the help of crutches though. My knee doesn't give out anymore. I can feel my quad muscle getting stronger each day. A week ago I could not even flex the muscle, now I can actually feel the muscle again! Not in too much pain, just stiffness. Which is also getting better everyday. Still no swelling, which is wonderful. I'm hoping to be off crutches within the next two weeks, which doesn't seem like that is going to be a problem! 

Week 5
Saw my Orthopedic Dr yesterday and he said it's time to get rid of the crutches. I am really struggling with this concept, I'm practicing with one but it's a painful hop. No pain on my knee but from my other leg from compensating. I'm feeling really down, as I just want to be off the crutches and am leaving for Florida in two days. I was really optimistic I'd be up for the trip when it came around, but now I'm just wishing I never set it up. My ROM is at 115, no pain, no swelling. I just want to be able to walk again and I'm very frustrated. 10 weeks on crutches is infuriating and I am just fed up. 

Week 6
 I'm in Florida! Did all the crazy rides at Universal with no problem. Being in a wheelchair was crappy, but it all worked out. FINALLY am down to one crutch, no hopping and normal gait. No pain when walking. My ankle did swell the first day of walking with one crutch, which I believe is normal. It went down two days later. I'm able to do straight leg raises with very little pain or lag. Never thought that would happen. I'm confident in the next few days I'll be off the crutches entirely. My quads feel almost just as strong as they do on my good leg. Keep in mind, not only did I follow my physical therapy recommendations to a T, I always pushed myself a little further than they told me to. Which has worked wonders for me. I'm set to go back to work a week from today which I think is doable. I also work on my feet all day, I think in an office setting I would have been able to go back much sooner. I will check back then to give an update! 

*Pictured below is the pool at the house we stayed at in Florida. I chose a pic of the pool, because it helped me a lot. My husband spotted me while I practiced walking without crutches. It was not only fun, but a great exercise!*

Week 7
 When I got home Sunday, I decided to say screw it and attempt walking without crutches. At first, I had my husband spot me as I walked around the house. Today I did it on my own. It was a little scary, but I kept going. I have only picked up the crutch once or twice today. My knee still sort of feels like it wants to give way, but when it almost does go it catches and I'm just fine. No pain when walking, just a little stiff still. I'm feeling better than ever because I'm SO over the crutches! Can't wait to do things for myself again. I can sort of go up stairs now. The railings in my house are very old and I don't trust them at all so I awkwardly bend over to the steps in front of me for support. At the top step I have my husband put his arm out for support and hoist me up a little. I'm still set to go back to work Friday, I think it's going to be tough but I won't know until I try! It's only two 6 hour days this week and then 3 next week. I don't think next week will be a problem at all! 

*Pictured below, is what my knee looked like 7 weeks post op. The right is the knee operated on and the left is my "normal" leg. I never realized how weird my knees looked until one of them looks how they're supposed to!*

Week 8
 A lot has happened this past week! I went back to work on Friday, which felt SO good! I was able to do 4 hours, which is not bad at all for my first day back. I didn't sit as much as I should have should have which was good and bad. Good, because I was able to do it and bad because I overdid it which made me super sore Saturday so I didn't end up going to work. I was certainly struggling Saturday, so I used a crutch for most of the day just because it was easier. It was medial pain right where the new ligament is. I'm feeling wonderful today though. Woke up with no pain at all when walking, I've been doing so good the past few days I feel confident enough to store the crutches out of sight. What a great feeling that was! My knee also feels really strong now as well, the feeling of it wanting to buckle has subsided almost entirely. I was a bit sore after physical therapy today, but it wore off quickly. My knee honestly feels so much better after doing exercises. My physical therapist says she is very pleased with me as every time I come back I make huge leaps in my recovery. I was having trouble balancing just on my operated leg, on Tuesday last week I could only do about 8 seconds. I kept practicing at home and hit 20 today. Which was our goal. Now onto 30! Another goal we had was to ditch the crutches altogether(check!) and to ditch them while using the stairs(check!). I still can't alternate feet on the stairs, but it feels good as until about two weeks ago I was still sliding up and down them on my butt. Straight leg raises have become so easy for me, that today it was time to put a 2 pound weight on my ankle to make it a bit harder! She said we're ready to up the intensity of my physical therapy, which I'm excited for! It hasn't been too tough on me so far, so I'm ready to have some challenges! I'm definitely at a great point in my recovery both physically and mentally. For me, it was more mentally draining. But I'm feeling really optimistic and that the hard part is over! I'm attempting another shift at work tomorrow. Which I will definitely try to sit more so I don't push it. I have a personal goal to last five hours since last time I could only do four. Although 8 weeks sounds like a long time, I seriously can not believe it has been that long since my surgery! I definitely hoped for a faster recovery than what my doctors told me, but from reading others stories/timelines I'm definitely still kicking it in the butt! 

Week 9
 It’s almost as I feel totally normal! I am walking 95% normal, I still have a slight limp. The only pain I have is when my knee is completely extending when standing, and with exercises I can feel that slowly going away. I was able to finish out my three shifts last week so this week I am doing four! Feels amazing to get back into the swing of things. I’m feeling so great that at physical therapy I did an exercise on my “normal” leg! I had completely forgotten in that moment which leg was operated on. Also, I forgot two nights in a row to do my exercises(oops), but again, that just shows how well I’m doing. The pain used to remind me to do them. I now have an alarm set every night so I won’t forget again! My knee doesn’t buckle at all anymore. I do get some stiffness in the morning but once I’m on my feet it’s fine. I’m still working on alternating feet when going up and down the stairs. That’s the last goal I need to complete! 

Week 10&11
*I honestly forgot to write these, so I will do my best to remember all that had happened!*
I stopped seeing a PT because I no longer had medical insurance and I can't afford to pay out of pocket. She told me everything I need to continue at home and I feel confident. I already pay for a gym membership, so I will use the equipment they have there. Basically just the total gym for leg presses and the bike. Nothing too crazy. At just 10 weeks, I went to my first show since my last dislocation! It felt so good and I had such a blast. I didn't go as crazy as I normally would, I was cautious. I took breaks as needed and wore non-slip shoes for extra safety! I was a bit nervous as my last dislocations happened while out at a show, but everything was fine. I also was able to finish out a 7 hour work shift, which is my longest so far! I'm still only doing 6 hour shifts, 3 or 4 days a week. I saw my orthopedic doctor at 11 weeks for my 3 month post op appointment. I was a week ahead for all my appointments so he could evaluate sooner and approve me to go back to work. It was the last time I will see him(hopefully ever). It was such a bittersweet moment! He said I am doing exceptionally well, and that I need to get rid of the brace. I never thought I'd want to keep the darn thing but I'm nervous! A lot of it is mental because I've had something on my knee for the last 6 months now. I'll just slowly have to wean off of it. He also said I need to continue strengthening for the next 3 months, which I'm not thrilled about but I will do it. He moved my kneecap all around and said that it's just about as stable as my "normal" leg!

Week 12
I'm writing this blog post exactly 3 months post op! I still can't believe it's been that long. I've started to not wear the brace at home, to try and get used to it, and it isn't too bad. My knee definitely wants to give out more without it, but it hasn't happened too often. I started doing squats and more bending exercises as part of my PT. A new popping noise/feeling has come with every one. It doesn't hurt, and that happened even before surgery so I'm not too worried about it. The only real complaints I have at this time is sitting or standing for too long. It gets uncomfortable if my leg is bending while I'm sitting after a while. And I can only stand for about an hour and half or two hours before I need to sit. I know those both will subside with time, but the standing is important for my job. Neither cause a lot of pain it's more of a aching/sore feeling. I can tell my extension has gotten a lot better, which is one of the last things I needed to work on. I now can alternate feet when going up and down the stairs but not every time I use the stairs. Which was also one of the last goals I needed to accomplish. 

9 Months Post Op 
Wow it has been quite some time! I forgot to write an entry at 6 months, but better late than never right? Until about 5 months post op, I thought I would have to life with everyday aching. But one day I realized I didn’t have that anymore. I would say around 4 months post op I was able to go back to work full time and stand on my feet continuously for all my shifts- including 9.5 hours. I can alternate feet while going up and down the stairs now- the ones at home are still difficult as they’re abnormally steep. My knee also rarely clicks/pops when I bend now. Until about 2 months ago I would have bouts where for a few days where my knee would be pretty sore and then it would make this awful popping noise with a stretching feeling and the aching would go right away. I eventually learned to love when it would happen because I knew the pain would be over! That has stopped happening so much too. I can bend down now fine, but getting up is a bit difficult. I won’t give 100% blame to my knee for that because I’m beyond out of shape. I have learned to trust my knee a lot more, which is great since a good chunk of my obstacles were mental ones. Only restriction I really have is I can’t sit with my knee bent for more than 2 hours without wanting to walk around a bit. It doesn’t hurt, just more of an annoying ache. Really have no reason to complain about that considering all I’ve been through! When I would lose my footing and land on my leg(I’m really clumsy) it would be pretty painful, but that has subsided as well. I would also say around month 4-5 my knee stopped hyperextending entirely. Sometimes it feels like it wants to, but then it catches and I’m fine. I never have been a runner due to athletes asthma so I can’t say how that is with the “new” knee. But, I recently went on vacation and it was like I was running around every day with no major issues. I went ATV riding, kayaking, horse back riding and cave exploring(lots of stairs!). It was nice to know my knee didn’t restrict me from participating in group activities like that. Everyone was contemplating zip lining, which I would have declined if they followed through with it. Maybe my knee would have been fine- but I didn’t feel mentally ready. Next year for sure!

My final conclusion? Yes, knee surgery sucks and it certainly was a battle that still is not over for me. But the dislocations were far worse than any pain that I had after the operation. It's not easy, and it will take a toll. Someone told me to remember "A customer usually only speaks up when something is bad not when it's good". That's why I wrote this up. Just because someone had an awful experience after their MPFL reconstruction, does not mean you will too!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! Also, there is a wonderful FB page for MPFL and patella dislocations, which the support of many has helped me a bunch. 

Happy healing!